Thermal is a non-stimulant aid for weight management that focuses on activating some of the body’s fat-oxidative mechanisms that progressively change fat cells to become more metabolically active and thus, increase their intrinsic ability to burn more fat.
WHAT IS IT?Thermal is a cutting edge non-stimulant weight management tool that focuses on promoting fat cells to become more metabolically active. In other words,Thermal may increase the ability to burn more fat.
WHY WOULD I TAKE IT?Thermal’s versatility is in its ability to be stacked with stimulant fat burners or pre-workouts as it contains no stimulants. Or if you’d rather not take a stimulant of any kind, or workout late in the day, Thermal can also provide a metabolic boost to help you achieve your wellness goals.
HOW DOES THIS WORK?Thermal works by stimulating several processes within the fat cell itself that facilitate the transition of white fat cells into brown fat cells, which are more metabolically active. We provide the amino acid L-Carnitine which is responsible for fatty acid transport, Innoslim which activates fat oxidation through the induction of AMPK, and we also provide the novel myokine L-BAIBA as MitoBurn™ which directly influences the “beiging” of white fat cells into brown fat cells. HOW MUCH SHOULD I TAKE? Thermal V2 (1 Scoop) is best taken 30-45 minutes prior to exercise.